Breaking news! Wham Bam bagels coming to Collier and South Lamar

Just spied this! Fantastic news. For those that don’t know Wham Bam bagels was started by Marco Fiorilo who founded Aviary. The bagels are tremendously delicious but was a bit far of a drive down in St Elmo - looking forward to walking over and experiencing what is becoming an excellent mini food trailer park right by Snooze! Wham Bam Bagels Offers Divine Breakfast Sandwiches - Austin Monthly Magazine

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Definitely my favorite bagel and bagel sandwiches in Austin.

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You’re killing me man… Coming when? Need to know if I can stop eating breakfast now to wait or what? Always loved them at the original location and can’t wait to be regulars walking distance from home. No more piling dogs in cars to go there. - please no derailing this topic to the pros and cons of dogs on leashes in public spaces. :slight_smile:

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We just ordered food from them online and called to check on where to pick it up. The S Lamar location is going to be a 2nd truck for Wham. The guy said “opening soon.”