Category Topics

Zilker Pets

This category is for all things pet related! From dog parks, to lost pets, to pet tips, to pet sitting… anything you might want to talk about related to your pets in the Zilker neighborhood

Zilker Families

This category is for general and fun discussion about raising a family in the Zilker neighborhood.

Zilker Buzz

Want to share something that is happening around the neighborhood or around town? Share a cause you support? This is where you spread the word!

BST (Buy Sell Trade)

This is a category for people to post items for which they’d like to Buy, Sell, or Trade. Basically this is the marketplace

Urgent Notifications

This category is for anything that is time sensitive that needs to get out to the list urgently. This may be a lost pet, or a suspicious person in the neighborhood, or car break ins, or coyote sitings. Anything that neighbors would need to know about now and not later.


This category is meant to contain discussions about the operations of Friends of Zilker. Any operational - not positions - discussion should occur here.

Proposed FoZ Positions

This category is for proposed position votes put to the Friends of Zilker membership. If you would like to propose a vote, start a new topic with an informative subject and ballot language in the body. The community members can make suggestions on the language and once refined if a board member sponsors it, then it will go for a vote.

Zilker Rocks

There tends to be a lot of debate about the future of Zilker - or what it should be. This category is meant to be a celebration of how awesome it already is! Share the things you love, discover, adore about living in Zilker!